Next Door moms making an impact: Maria Berglund helps moms in need with In Kind Boxes

Hey Goddesses!
It's been a while but I've been a busy bee around here, preparing our special launch for Mother's day-a bracelet and stack that gives 30% back to In Kind Boxes, a not for profit helping moms in need. You can find that bracelet under the What Gives Back section of our website.
Today I'd love you to meet Maria Berglund, the Founder of the In Kind Boxes organization. She's doing an AMAZING job and it's all volunteer-based so hats off and a tremendous respect to Maria and the other members. Let's dive in and get to know her better!
-Maria tell us a few things about how this initative came to life.
In Kind Boxes is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that I started for two reasons. First, I wanted to pay forward the kindness my mother received being a single mom in need of support. The second, is that I wanted to bring moms together to support one another. We want moms to know they’re not alone.
-Did you always know you wanted to be a founder of a not for profit? When did you hear the calling?
No, I didn’t. I have always loved volunteering, and giving back. I guess this was the logical next step, but it wasn’t something I thought about for a long time before I started it.
-Why moms and especially postpartum?
Postpartum is such a sensitive time for women. Moms go through so much to grow and have babies, and then once it arrives moms immediately take a back seat.
I want moms to feel loved and cared for too. I want them to know they matter.
-How do you choose the companies you work with?
The products we include in boxes must be something we found useful, or would use ourselves. We also select high quality items because we believe everyone deserves the same high standard of care.
-How do you choose the moms or organizations you donate to?
The organizations we donate the gift boxes to, are ones that are providing quality care for families in need. That could be mental health support, education, shelter, supplies, or medical support. Our gift boxes supplement the care moms are receiving at these organizations.
-How can someone contribute to your cause?
Donations are our main source of support. You can donate through our website. Any amount helps! Purchasing items from our shop is also another great way to support our mission.
-Next to a founder, you’re a mom. Here at Next Door Goddess, we believe that every mom has the right to bring out her beauty and feel gorgeous. What are your thoughts on that?
When a mom feels good about herself, that benefits the whole family. Doing things, or wearing jewelry to bring joy to our day is important. We deserve to do things/wear things for ourselves, that make us happy.
-Do you have a favorite Next Door Goddess piece and how does it make you feel when you have it on?
I love my Mom Goddess bracelet. I know it was made with love, and it’s beautiful.
-Where can we find more about you?
Come and find us on Instagram @inkindboxes, or check out our website
We’re so grateful for your support!
This Mother's day make a gift that makes an impact. Donating to an organization in the name of your mom or yourself, or getting a gift that gives back, can make all the difference for moms that are in need.
Getting it from a small business like Next Door Goddess or donating to a small-scale, volunteer-based not-for-profit organization, like In Kind Boxes, can amplify the positive ripples, especially in trying times like these. After all, it's great to know who it is that you're making smile :).
If you'd like to find out more and see those smiles real time, you can watch our IGTV live. Enjoy!
Sparkling Yours,
P.S. Up to May 09 2021 all of your purchases on our website (except for the Mom Celebration Bracelet and Stack) will give back 10% to In Kind Boxes so if you want a feel-good treat that's a visual reminder of your Inner Goddess and gives back you can Shop Our Collections , sparkle up, feel like a Goddess, and give back!
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