Women Multipreneurs-With Courtney Spritzer

Hey Goddeses!
It's not every day that I meet a determined woman who tackles more than one successful companies. Fascinated isn't enough to describe how I feel.
Say hi to Courtney Spritzer!
She has everything she needs to take the world by a storm-and so do you! So let's find out what's her magic sause and how she keeps everything running smoothly and in style, and get some ideas, shall we?
-Courtney you’re unstoppable! Tell us a few things about the companies and products you’re involved with and how they came to be.
Thank you!
My first company, Socialfly, started in 2011 as a side hustle. In May of 2012, I quit my full time job at American Express to grow Socialfly. Socialfly is a social-first digital agency that is on a mission to set a new standard for how brands resonate with women. I started Socialfly with my business partner, Stephanie. Over the past 10 years, we have helped transform over 200 brands on social media. Our clients include Alex and Ani, Discovery, and Slimfast.
In 2018, Stephanie and I launched our podcast, Entreprenista Podcast. The podcast immediately became a hit and interviewing women founders became one of our favorite things to do. As we continued to record, we became more and more passionate about helping other women founders. In 2020, we decided to evolve the podcast into so much more. We launched a website that provides valuable content and resources to women. In 2021, we launched a membership program called The Entreprenista League.
In 2020, we took our company operations remote due to the pandemic. As a result, we encountered many challenges as we pivoted to remote working. During the first 6 months of the pandemic, I invented a few product ideas that would make remote working better. The first product, DigiCards, launched in August 2020. I came up with the idea in May after attending a zoom session with my entire team. DigiCards are a pack of colorful cue cards for your zoom meeting with popular phrases.
In September 2021, I launched WorkRobe, a line of robes that are reinvented to wear in your video meetings. I came up with the idea of WorkRobe in June 2020. Since the launch, WorkRobe has already gone viral on TikTok and has attracted a growing community of women who work from robe.
All of my companies were started based on my passions for social media marketing, entrepreneurship, and remote working.
-WOW what a journey! Did you always know you wanted to be a founder? When did you hear the calling?
I did not always know I wanted to be a founder. I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and as I entered college, my desire upon graduation was to work in the corporate world. After I graduated, I worked at two publicly traded companies, Hanover Insurance Group and American Express. At these companies, I learned that after college, you spend a lot of your time working and I also learned that I am a very hard worker. After three years of working in corporate america, I decided that I wanted to spend my days doing something I was passionate about and that’s when the entrepreneurial path started calling my name and became more appealing to me.
-Take us a bit behind the scenes-What are the 3 most important characteristics you see in yourself that help you run multiple ventures?
To bootstrap a business, it’s important to be resilient, optimistic, and a problem solver. It’s also really important that you have the confidence to do it. Businesses are often not overnight successes - they take time and determination to grow.
-What are the three things you have done that have moved the needle the most in business for you?
1- A talented team is vital to success. Hiring the right people to help you is crucial in making your dreams come true.
2- As we grew, we needed to restructure the business to set us up to scale. With each milestone, we needed to add new systems and processes to help us grow and let go of responsibilities.
3- We always practiced what we preached and spent a lot of time on our own marketing. This helped us grow our business and attract clients to want to work with us. We became #1 on google for social media marketing because of our blogging, pr, and social media efforts.
-What are the 3 biggest obstacles you had to overcome and how did you push through?
There have been so many obstacles. It’s hard to narrow it down to three. Everyday brings a new challenge.
Operating during a pandemic was one of the hardest things we had to do. Not only did we have to deal with the uncertainty of what was happening in the world, but we needed to be leaders for our team and try to figure out how to keep our company culture strong as we work remotely. We pushed through by connecting with other founders and learning from them. We also took matters into our own hands and set up weekly/daily meetings to keep everyone informed. DigiCards was also born as a result of taking the company remote.
-Women working together-tell us the secrets of female co-founder success!
Communication is key. Early on we hired a business coach to help us navigate conflict and determine the best business strategies. Co-Founder relationships can be very successful if you support each other and have opposite skill sets. To this day, Stephanie and I still divide and conquer.
-What is your bigger vision? Your 5-year dream?
My dream is to help as many women as possible and inspire them to dream big. I want Socialfly to be the #1 women-owned agency in the world. I want Entreprenista to be the #1 resource for women entrepreneurs. I want all remote companies to use DigiCards with their staff. I want to see WorkRobe worn on all women who work from home.
-Here at Next Door Goddess, we believe that every woman has the right to bring out her beauty and feel gorgeous, in her own style. What are your thoughts on that? How do you stay stylish and exude confidence as a female leader in the entrepreneurial space?
WorkRobe was concepted under this exact belief. When I look good, I feel very confident. I’ve always loved to get dressed up and express my personal style through fashion. Now that I work from home, I mostly get to do that through the zoom screen. WorkRobe was designed to help me feel stylish and comfortable while working from home.
-What’s one favorite jewelry piece of yours and how does it make you feel when you have it on?
My diamond earrings. I bought them for myself which I am proud of. I work very hard and to be able to buy myself nice things is something I am proud of because I work very hard to earn it.
-Where can we find more about you and all the amazing companies you’re involved with?
Socialfly - socialfny.com - @ socialfly
Entreprenista - entreprenista.com - @ entreprenistas
DigiCards - hellodigicards.com - @ hellodigicards
WorkRobe - myworkrobe.com - @ myworkrobe
There you have it!
Courtney was AMAZING to set aside some of her limited free time and answer all these for me!
Now your turn!
What are you building, Goddess, and how are you keeping your style in comfort and on point?
Drop me a comment below!
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