Happy International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day!

In Greece, International Women's Day was a staple for celebration for as long as I can remember myself. As I little girl I would watch women dress up, get out with their besties and celebrate-and when I grew up that's what I did too. 

However, International Women's Day is SO much more than that.

It's a celebration of years of fight for our equal rights (that's not over yet) next to the infinite power that lies inside each and every one of us.

The power we can access daily to get up, reset and get going towards making our dreams a reality. The power to heal from our past, forgive and forget and march towarch a brighter future. The power to look at this world with new lens and imagine a better tomorrow for its children. 

This pandemic has hit women harder than men. From losing their jobs to staying inside in order to take care of the kids, women were the ones that had to take a step back and change their course way more often that men had to. Women are standing up for their dreams, redefining success and building businesses from home while supporting their families, yet small businesses owned by women have been the hardest hit.

90% of the decision to spend in the world is in the hands of women. We literally make money go round. So lets be mindful and support businesses led and owned by women, especially small businesses that suffer the most. Lets support organizations that build women up and bring them to the forefront because this is our time to come to the table, lead the conversation and regain our power.

Exceptional women aren't born different. They're just like you and I. What makes them exceptional is the conviction to a dream, the contibution to a cause, the decision to stand up and fight for the greater good.

May we become these women-may we raise these women or raise our sons to respect and treat women they way they should. It all starts inside our homes.

Happy International Women's Day-Every Day!

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